Out of the bed at 6:15 
In a rush, I need caffeine 
Gotta catch the bus and train 
I'm in a rush, I feel insane 
I can't take this crazy pace 
I've become a mental case 
Yeah, this is the job that ate my brain 
Go to work, it's such a drag 
Face the boss, he's such a nag 
In a suit and in a tie 
I look so lame I want to die 
I can't take this crazy pace 
I've become a mental case  
Yeah, this is the job that ate my brain 
I punch the clock at 9:05 
I know I'm late, but still alive 
Everyone just stares at me 
I'm last in line for prosperity 
I can't take this crazy pace 
I've become a mental case 
Yeah, this is the job that ate my brain 
Five o'clock rolls around 
I feel so glad I kiss the ground 
Ain't enough hours in the day 
There's go to be a better way 
I can't take this crazy pace 
I've become a mental case 
Yeah, this is the job that ate my brain.